[I]n late 2012 or early 2013, Kidane's personal computer … "bec[a]me infected with clandestine computer programs known as FinSpy." … FinSpy is "a system for monitoring and gathering information from electronic devices, including computers and mobile phones, without the knowledge of the device's user." … It is allegedly "sold exclusively to government agencies and is not available to the general public." … Kidane attributes the FinSpy infection of his computer to an email "sent by or on behalf of Ethiopia that was thereafter forwarded to" him by a third party.In einer 36-seitigen Begründung erklärte das Bundesgericht der Hauptstadt am 24. Mai 2016, dass der Wiretap Act keinen Privatanspruch gegen den Staat gestatte. Zudem sei nach dem Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act die Staatsimmunität der beklagten Republik von amerikanischen Gerichten zu respektieren.
The FinSpy software allegedly "took what amounts to complete control over the operating system" of his computer. … According to the complaint, FinSpy contains "modules" for "extracting saved passwords from more than 20 different" programs, "for … recording Internet telephone calls, text messages, and file transfers transmitted through the Skype application," "for covertly recording audio from a computer's microphone even when no Skype calls are taking place," "for recording every keystroke on the computer," and "for recording a picture of the contents displayed on a computer's screen." AaO 3.
Nach den Präzedenzfällen müssten bei einer Haftung wegen unerlaubter Handlung, Tort, der rechtswidrige Akt ebenso wie der Erfolg in den USA geschehen. Hier sei eine Wirkung in den USA zu verzeichnen, doch die Handlung des immunen Staates erfolgte wohl außerhalb der USA, sodass auch keine Immunitätsausnahme nach 28 USC §1605(a)(5) greife.