Digitaler Marktzugang von US-Firmen in Gefahr?

Den Anstoß pfiff des Amt des Außenhandelsbeauftragten der USA mit Botschafterstatus und Kabinettsrang in Washington, DC, am 13. January 2017 nach §332(g) Tariff Act of 1930, siehe Horlick/Kochinke, Die Behörde des Handelsbeauftragten der USA, RIW 1981, 458.
Den ersten Untersuchungsbericht nach einer Anhörung am 6. Februar 2017 wird die ITC bereits im August 2017 zum Thema Market Opportunities and Key Foreign Trade Restrictions vorlegen. Die weiteren Abschnitte mit folgenden Inhalten sollen bis 2018 bearbeitet werden:
1. Provide qualitative, and to the extent possible, quantitative analysis of measures in key foreign markets (identified in the first report) that affect the ability of U.S. firms to develop and/or supply business-to-business digital products and services abroad; and
Assess, using case studies or other qualitative and quantitative methods, the impact of these measures on the competitiveness of U.S. firms engaged in the sale of digital products and services, as well as on international trade and investment flows associated with digital products and services related to significant business-to-business technologies.
2. Provide qualitative, and to the extent possible, quantitative analysis of measures in key foreign markets (identified in the first report) that affect the ability of U.S. firms to develop and/or supply business-to-consumer digital products and services abroad; and
Assess, using case studies or other qualitative and quantitative methods, the impact of these measures on the competitiveness of U.S. firms engaged in the sale of digital products and services, as well as on international trade and investment flows associated with digital products and services related to significant business-to-consumer technologies.