RICO allows recovery for domestic injuries to both tangible and intangible property. Thus, we must identify where the property is harmed. The harm to tangible property is deemed to occur where the property is located. So, a plaintiff suffers a domestic injury to tangible property "if the plaintiff's property was located in the United States when it was stolen or harmed, even if the plaintiff himself resides abroad." Bascunan v. Elsaca, 874 F.3d 806, 820-21 (2d Cir. 2017).
To determine the location of an injury to intangible property, we "must focus primarily upon where the effects of the predicate acts were experienced." Id. at 707. To this end, we weigh a number of factors, including:
where the injury itself arose; the location of the plaintiff's residence or principal place of business; where any alleged services were provided; where the plaintiff received or expected to receive the benefits associated with providing such services; where any relevant business agreements were entered into and the laws binding such agreements; and the location of the activities giving rise to the underlying dispute. Id.
No one factor is “presumptively dispositive." Id.
Rechtsanwalt u. Attorney Clemens Kochinke ist Gründer und Herausgeber des German American Law Journal in der Digitalfassung sowie von Embassy Law. Er ist nach der Ausbildung in Deutschland, Malta, England und USA Jurist, vormals Referent für Wirtschaftspolitik und IT-Aufsichtsrat, seit 2014 zudem Managing Partner einer 75-jährigen amerikanischen Kanzlei für Wirtschaftsrecht. Er erklärt deutsch-amerikanische Rechtsfragen in Büchern und Fachzeitschriften.
2014 erschien sein Kapitel Vertragsverhandlung in den USA in Heussen/Pischel, Handbuch Vertragsverhandlung und Vertragsmanagement, und 2012 sein Buchbeitrag Business Negotiations in Germany in New York, 2013 sein EBook Der amerikanische Vertrag: Planen - Verhandeln - Schreiben.
Die meisten Mitverfasser sind seine hochqualifizierten, in das amerikanische Recht eingeführten Referendare und Praktikanten.