Der Vorstoß im Kongress betrifft vorerst nur die Gesetzesfassung H.R. 4586 im House of Representatives. Nach Auffassung der Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange als Verband der Visumssponsoren enthält die Bill über Summer Work Travel folgende Mängel:
* Inaccurately defines SWT exchange visitors as workers, and their nongovernmental sponsor organizations … as foreign labor contractors, with detrimental effect.Wenn das Internship im Austausch mit dem Ausland wirklich illegal werden sollte, ist eine Zunahme der Illegalität des Austausches und gar Menschenhandel zu befürchten. Juristen dürften dann nicht mehr als Ausbilder verfügbar sein.
* Prohibits SWT sponsors from collecting program fees from SWT participants.
* Without program revenue from fees, which allows SWT exchanges to function without appropriated funds, the public-private partnership that drives the program - and thus the program itself - would collapse. Program fees fund sponsor infrastructure and activities (such as vetting host employers, engaging in monthly check-ins, providing health insurance, and maintaining a 24/7 help hotline) that directly support participant health, safety, and welfare.
* Increases regulatory complexity and expense by adding Department of Homeland Security oversight to a program already thoroughly regulated by the Department of State.