Am 14. August 2018 entschied das Bundesberufungsgericht des sechsten Bezirks der USA in Cincinatti wie das Untergericht. Als einfaches Werkzeug. simple Tool, das jedermann bekannt ist, bedarf es keiner Warnhinweise. Der angebliche Designfehler, dessen Alternative eine andere Stahlsorte wäre, unterliegt einer Abwägung von Vor- und Nachteilen nach dem Risk Utility Test. Er zeigt, dass die Bürste nicht unangemessen gefährlich war.
Michigan courts have categorized products as simple tools "when one or both of the following conditions exist: (1) the products are not highly mechanized, thus allowing the users to maintain control over the products; (2) the intended use of the products does not place the users in obviously dangerous positions." … Both requirements are met here. First, a grill brush is not mechanized and is controlled entirely by the user. Second, a grill brush does not put the user in obviously dangerous positions.
Kaminski does not argue that the grill brush was defectively manufactured. In addition, we have already determined that there was no failure to warn. That leaves only a claim for defective design. Under Prentis, and as codified in Mich. Comp. Laws §600.2946(2), a claim based on defective design necessarily requires a risk-utility analysis.